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May 7, 2018

Assignment # 6 New Testament Study Lesson: Matt. 5:13-48

Jesus His Teaching on the Mount (part 2)
Matt. 5:13-48

Assignments From the Book of Matthew
Hi, welcome back. We are STILL in Matt. 5, where Jesus is teaching the “Sermon on the Mount” but, in this study lesson we are looking at Matt. 5:13-48.

Remember that Matthew leaves chapter 4 and goes straight into the Sermon on the Mount (which we saw in our last lesson). As a reminder, Matthew 5 is AFTER Jesus had met Matthew, and had some other events, including going up alone to pray all night before choosing His 12 disciples to become His apostles. What’s the last of these three segments? 

So, let’s get right to our lesson.

First, read Matt. 5:13-48 (and Luke 6:27-36 if you have time) then outline the 8 lessons given in these verses.

#1 (vs 13-16) ________________________________

#2 (vs 17-20) ________________________________
#3 (vs 21-26) ________________________________
#4 (vs 27-30) ________________________________
#5 (vs 31-32) ________________________________
#6 (vs 33-37) ________________________________
#7 (vs 38-42) ________________________________
#8 (vs 43-48) ________________________________


Verses 13–16:

  • A person with character is described in vs 3–12 as salt and light. 
    • Why? Being salt and light can cause persecution from the world, just as the prophets were persecuted. Jesus is the reason for the persecution. But we need to remember, that even though we may be persecuted, it’s ok because others in the world are looking for that light.  Take courage, because the blessed are salt of the earth—those who are part of the kingdom. 
  • Notice what it says about light in vs. 14-16. Compare this to 1 John 1 and Ephesians 5. And again, take courage, because the blessed are the light of the world.  And light has to shine. God is light and in Him is no darkness. 
    • Believers are not in darkness anymore, because they’ve repented, turned.  As children of the light, we should try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. If we walk in the light, we have fellowship with one another and Jesus’ blood cleanses us. The fruit will be goodness, righteousness, and truth. Believers are to encourage those in darkness to arise from the dead, and Christ shine in them (thus setting them free of the darkness and forgiveness of sin). 
Verses 17–48:

 Jesus explains how the character qualities of vs 3–16 fit with keeping the Law. 
  • Remember, Jesus came to fulfill it, and all will be accomplished.
    • He also stressed the importance of obedience. And keeping every command and teaching others to do the same (see vs. 19).
    • To enter the kingdom of heaven, one’s righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees.
      • Again, see vs. 1–16, this righteousness is the fruit of repentance.
  • In vs. 21–26: Jesus made anger equal with murder. Even calling a brother a fool made one guilty to go to the fiery hell. Therefore, He said to be reconciled with your brother.
  • In vs. 27–30: Jesus went on to define adultery as looking lustful towards another. It’s a matter of the heart, just as is anger toward a brother.
    • He didn’t mean to literally mutilate one’s body to get rid of whatever part was leading to sin. He was stressing the seriousness of sin and that it must be dealt with. 
  • In vs 31–32: Jesus talks about the seriousness of divorce.
  • In vs. 33–37: Jesus said not to make oaths. In situations where a vow is made, keep it.
  • In vs 38–42: Jesus teaches that obedience to the Law should come from the heart. The character of one who is part of the kingdom will be seen—humility, gentleness, a dying to self, purity of heart. Turn the other cheek, give your coat also, go an extra mile, don’t turn away from one who wants to borrow—these are all examples. 
That’s all for now! I hope you are enjoying your study, 


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