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May 6, 2018

Assignment # 4 Old Testament: Gen. 7 and 8

Assignments in Genesis
Hi all! I hope you are enjoying these lesson.  We have a lot to look over, so lets not waste any time.

As we start to look at this lesson, please note: Into the Ark Noah was to take all kinds of animals to preserve life on earth. Notice a distinction was made between clean and unclean animals. To preserve life Noah had to take on board two of every kind of animal, but for food and for sacrificing he had to bring seven pairs of each kind of clean animal (7:2). The distinction between clean and unclean animals became a major point in the Levitical order (Lev. 11:2-23).

How does chapter 7 of Genesis start out? With the word “Then”. When did God give Noah his next set of instructions? Look up Gen. 6: 22.

After Noah had completed the first task and did what God had commanded.

Who did God command to enter the Ark? In verses 1-5 we see: Noah and his wife, Noah’s three sons and their wives Seven pairs of each clean animal and bird, male and female Two of every unclean animal, male and female

Why is this important to note?  To keep offspring alive on the earth, because He was going to judge the earth for man’s wickedness. However, God rescued Noah, the righteous man and gave him everything he would need to stay alive. God protected and provided for Noah.
What does verse 5 say?
  • Remember that God told him to enter the ark and what to take with him. This was after the ark was constructed. The Lord said that He would send rain on earth in 7 days, and it would rain for 40 days and nights. He’d blot out every living thing that He’d made. They may not have known what rain was, but they certainly understood what God meant when He said He would destroy the earth, blot out every living thing.Something to consider: God told Noah what would happen. Remember He also told Adam what would happen if he ate of the tree. He warned Cain what would happen. Throughout Scripture, we constantly see God telling generation after generation what He would do.
    • So now, look up Amos 3:7 and then Isa. 44:26.
Apparently Noah believed God… and Noah did what the Lord commanded.

>> In the rest of our passage it is important to note the time table God’s Word gives us.<<

Now carefully look at verses 6-16.

Noah was 600 years old when the fountains of the great deep burst open and the floodgates  of the sky (ESV—windows of the heavens) were opened. It rained forty days and nights.  But Noah and his family had entered the ark as God commanded. Then verse 16 tells us that the Lord closed the door.
  • Verse 6 tells the timing of the Flood. Noah was 600 years old.
  • Verses 7-9 and verses 13-16 tell about all entering the ark. 
  • On exactly the 600th year of Noah’s life, 2nd month, 17th day, the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates heavens were opened. It rained forty days and nights.
Now look at verses 17-24 and carefully consider… What and how is the Flood described?
  • The water increased so that the ark was lifted above the earth and floated on the surface of the water. 
  • Then the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered.
  • All flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing and all mankind.
  • Every living thing was blotted out except those on the ark and the water prevailed 150 days. It was a worldwide flood—everywhere. 
Don’t like that idea? Then lets look at some other passages: Psalm 104:5-7 and 2 Peter 3:3-7  God covered the earth with the deep. The waters were standing above the mountains. 

My friend, the world was destroyed (perished, flooded) deluged with water.

Consider: Matthew 24:38-39 and Luke 17:27 Jesus spoke about the flood that destroyed them all. 
  • 2 Peter 2:5 The flood was on the world of the ungodly. Noah alone was preserved. 
Some people deny the flood was global. But what does 2 Peter 3:3-10 say? 

Why do so many people want to argue over this? Because they don’t want to believe in God’s judgment on the ungodly. Mockers will come in the last days asking, “Where is the promise of His coming?” They say that everything is as it has been since creation. But that’s not true, because Scripture tells us the flood destroyed the earth. God created it, and God judged it. BUT He didn’t do so heartlessly… He warned them. Just as He warns us now.


So now we go into Chapter 8. Again, it is important to look at the dates that events are happening.

How does the chapter begin? BUT GOD… God remembered Noah and those with him in the ark. So, He caused a wind to blow over the earth, and the water subsided. 

Verses 1-19
  • The waters receded, and the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat.
  • Then, the tops of the mountains became visible. 
  • Noah opened the window and sent out a raven.
  • Then he sent out a dove, but the dove returned because water was still on the surface of the earth. 
After seven more days, he sent out the dove. She returned with a freshly picked olive leaf. 

Noah waited another seven days and sent out the dove, but she didn’t return. 

Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the ground was dried up. However, he waited for instructions from God.

Notice the date in verse 14! THEN God told Noah to go out of the ark. 

And what did God tell Noah that all flesh was to do? The same thing He told Adam and Eve. He had told them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. 
  • Everyone up to the point of the Flood came from Adam and Eve. Since the Flood, everyone has also come from Noah and his sons. 
Verses 20-22  
  • Noah built an altar to the Lord and offered of every clean animal and bird.
The Lord smelled the soothing aroma and said to Himself that He would never again curse the ground on account of man. 
  • Isaiah 54:7-10 Isaiah’s time was similar; judgment was coming because of wickedness. But God had sworn that He’d not destroy the earth with a flood again. 
Remember, God cursed the ground in Genesis 3 when sin came into the world. He knows the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth. He’ll never again destroy every living thing as He did (with a flood). While the earth remains, the times and seasons will not cease. 

>>> So to recap: 
  • God remembered Noah…and caused a wind to pass / blow over the earth so that the water subsided. He closed the fountains of the deep and floodgates of the sky / windows of the heavens so the rain was restrained. 
  • The waters receded, and the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month. That’s five months, 150 days, from when the Flood began. 
  • On the 1st day of the 10th month, the tops of the mountains became visible. 
  • Then at the end of 40 more days, Noah opened the window and sent out a raven Then he sent out a dove, but the dove returned because water was still on earth.
  • After seven more days, he sent the dove out again and it returned with a freshly picked olive leaf. Then Noah knew the water had abated.
  • Noah waited another seven days and sent out the dove again, but it didn’t return.
  • On the 1st day of the 1st month of the 601st year, Noah removed the covering of the ark, and the ground was dry.
  • Then on the 27th of the 2nd month, the earth was dry, and God told Noah to go out of the ark. 
So, how long were Noah and the others been in the ark? The Flood began: 600th year, 2nd month, 17th day. They left the ark: 601st year, 2nd month, 27th day. They were in the ark 1 year and 10 days. 

What about DINOSAURS? Job 40 Some of the references in Job 40, behemoth, might refer to the larger dinosaurs. 

So, did dinosaurs go on the ark? All of God’s creatures went on the ark, so the dinosaurs would have been included. Maybe not the largest ones, but at least some in the family. So, what happened to the creatures known now as dinosaurs? The larger ones became extinct. 

>> Well, that is it for this lesson. I hope you enjoyed it.


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