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May 2, 2018

Assignment #2 Old Testament Study Lesson: Gen. 3 and 4

Assignments in Genesis
Hello! The following is our study guide for our second reading assignment of the Old Testament, as we look at Gen. 3 and 4.

However, before we begin our lesson, I just want to remind you, that you can access our biblical insights outline of the Book of Genesis, on page 20 in our free commentary notes file. 

You can also find it on our free resources website at www.lampostpublications.com. Remember, that these brief commentary notes have been pulled from the book recently released called “Growing in God’s Word.”  

This book is packed full of insights about the Bible its self and study notes on many different topics, along with information on each Book of the Bible. If you are interested in purchasing the published book, then you can go straight to our online bookstore at http://www.thepathwayoffaithbookstore.com.

Please remember, you are not required to buy the book “Growing in God’s Word” in order to participate in this study. But if you would like to go deeper, and have our full study notes, then we encourage you to consider it. 


Well, we have a lot to look at and go over in this lesson, so let’s get started!

Brief Chapter Outline of Chapter 3: The Fall of Man

I.       The Start of Deception
Vs 1-5
A) We are introduced to the serpent.
B) He questioned the Word of God.
C) The woman engaged in a conversation with the serpent.
D) The woman knew the Word of God.
E) The serpent twisted the Word of God
F) The serpent lied.
II.     Stepping into the Sin
Vs 6-7
A) The woman turned her eyes to the forbidden.
B) She gave into temptation
C) She offered it to her husband.
D) He gave into her temptation.
E) Shame began to happen between them.
III. And IN Our Sin
Vs. 8-13
A) God came to have fellowship with them.
B) They hid from Him.
C) God drew them to Him.
D) He gave them the opportunity to confess
E) They placed blame.
IV. The Curse
Vs. 14-20
A) God curses the serpent.
B)  The promise of Jesus is given.
C) Woman is cursed.
D) God sets the order of the household.
E) Adam is cursed.
F) The ground is cursed.
G) The woman is given her name.
V. The Consequences
Vs. 21-24
A) Blood is shed.
B) The man and woman are sent out of the garden.
C) A barrier was placed between man and the garden.


The progression of Sin and its Consequences

When looking at chapter 3, there is a lot to consider. So, take your time and really dig in, because the lessons we learn from here are very valuable. I forewarn you, that you are liable to have conviction brought to your heart (I know that I did). But, remember that conviction is from God, because He is wanting to point out our sin to us. But, He does so, because He desires us to turn from it and back to Him. So, here, take a moment to pray and ask God to really open your eyes, and speak to your heart about things that need to be addressed. My friend, PLEASE don’t shrink from this! Allow God to work in you…. You will be glad you did.

The first thing in this chapter, we are introduced to a serpent. Who is the serpent?  The answer is found in Rev. 12:9 and Rev. 20:2. And what did he do? He asked the woman a question about what God had said. And he questioned the Word of God. Notice something though; she KNEW the Word from God and gave him an answer. But then he started placing the seed of doubt by contradicting what God had said. He lied about it. He twisted it!
• Consider John 8:44. What does it say?

What happened to her? She fell into sin but notice the stages in how it happened. (1) She should have NEVER engaged in a conversation with him! But she did, and the seed of doubt was planted. (2) So, then she turned her gaze to something she should have NEVER looked at! Thus, temptation set in. And then what did she do? (3) She gave in to the temptation. What happened next? She fell into a sin that she hadn’t expected (sin has a way of sneaking up on you)!

Here is the thing though--- She KNEW what God had said! She let someone else (the enemy) question it… which led her to thinking… AND she went against her husband! Because, look back at what Gen. 2:16 says, “The Lord God commanded the man…” This was before He had made Eve. Because it was AFTER God had given this command that “THEN He said it wasn’t good for man to be alone…” So, God clearly gave the command to ADAM! Did God resay it later to the both of them? I don’t know… Scripture doesn’t say so in Gen. 2. But He clearly told Adam, and Eve KNEW what God had said. So, we know that Adam must have told her. So, when engaging in a conversation she should have never allowed… she went against her husband. She went against what she KNEW God had said. And she began to look upon something that was forbidden and “lust” for it set in. And she went from knowing what God said, to wondering, to looking at it and thinking about it, to stepping into it!

My friend, there was a progress in how she walked right into her fall. And the enemy has NOT changed is tactics.

Remember Satan knows God’s Word too. He used it several times in his conversation with Jesus in Luke 4:1-12. The difference, is Eve considered what the serpent said, Jesus countered back with the Word of God to shut the enemy up!

Then what happened? She enticed her husband! He knew what God had said, but she enticed him. And what did he do? Became passive, and instead of stepping up (and putting his foot down for what he knew to be right) and leading her—he allowed her to lead him!  Women, please know that sometimes we really can overstep where God would have us not to! Sometimes us women can become very forceful and verbal, and down-right manipulate the situation. And at the same time, sometimes men (for whatever reason) can become passive, and just go along with it, instead of stepping up in their God-given role of leadership.

So, then what happened? All the sudden there was a sense of shame! They had been just fine naked before… so why did they all of the sudden have a sense of shame in front of each other? Why was there a need to cover themselves?  Because SIN had crept in and distorted their sight.

What was the result? When God came to have fellowship with them… They HID from Him! Look at verse 10, Adam told God “I was naked; so I hid myself.” Not only hiding but trying to cover it up. My friend, do you think this was the FIRST time God had seen them naked? But now, all of the sudden, they were ashamed. Notice that they hid themselves from God! Sin will always make us want to avoid God. But what did God do?  He called them to Him. My friend, remember, God is all-knowing. He already knew what had happened. But He still drew them to Him. And then in verse 11, He asked them…. WHY would He ask? Because, He was giving them a chance to confess. And what did they do next? In the conviction of what they had done wrong, they started the blaming (pointing the finger) game. 

>>> So again note the progression of what happened! And where they started, and where they were now. David did the same thing with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel. He saw her bathing… he watched her… he started thinking about her… he summoned her… he slept with her… and then tried to cover his sin up!

My friend, any time we start thinking about something we know goes against the Word of God, it allows our mind to start wondering… and when we start giving life to the idea, it’s not long until we are walking straight into it! But then what happens? We have to cover it up. My friend, anytime you have to “cover up something” you need to stop and ask yourself why! And where is this coming from? And realize where you have started giving into an idea that goes against the WORD of God.

>>> Look up James 1:13- 15 and WRITE it down. 

 >>> Look up Rom. 6:23. What does IT say?

 >>> What does 1 Cor. 10:12 say?

Now, consider this. Look up Gen. 39:12 and write down the key word—what did Joseph do when tempted?

Have you ever been there? Have you ever flirted with an idea or engaged in a conversation you had no business being in? Have you KNOWN the Word of God, but allowed doubt to rob you of good judgement? That is something to really think about. Look back again at our text, where was Eve? Who was she talking to? And what does 1 Cor. 15:33 say?

Please know that I am not issuing condemnation, because (trust me) in order to write this lesson, God brought some things to my heart. And I had to get on my knees and say “yes, this is what I have done, and I realize it now….”

However, please do not despair because there is hope! Which we are going to cover in another lesson. DO NOT write yourself off! There are steps to receiving forgiveness, and a fresh new start! Don’t think YOU are the one exception. Don’t ever think YOU are a lost cause, because over the weeks to come, I plan to show you how to turn and start living in God’s redemptive plan.
So, getting back to Gen. 3, when it came time for God to address the issue, WHO did He address first? _______

And then in verse 15, WHO did He promise would come and conquer him? __________ (I will give you a hint, it starts with a J.)

WHO did He address next (verse 16) ____________ WHY do you think He addressed her next?

AND FINALLY, who did He address and give the LONGEST spanking to? __________ Why do you think?

I don’t know what your answer was, but here is mine. Because, God created Adam first (before woman), and gave him a specific command, and placed him in charge. Notice it says in verse 17, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife (basically because you listened to HER instead of ME). 

Notice what else it says in verse 17 “… cursed is the ground because of you…” Sin will ALWAYS impact everything and everyone around us.

Think back about what the ground was like before. Now it’s going to contain thorns and thistles! In the beginning, God just gave Adam the job to tend to the garden. Now he is going to have to “… sweat of your face…” (vs. 19).  Interesting that God dealt with sin first, and then woman, but His biggest dialog was with man, and what was to befall on him because he listened to someone else instead of heeding what God has specifically told him.

And what was the result? Bloodshed! God shed blood for them, just as Jesus did for us now. Yes, God forgave them, and even continued to provide for them, but there were still consequences to what they had done. In the same way God forgave David (and Bathsheba), there were still lasting consequences. 

Brief Chapter Outline Gen. 4 Cain and Able

I.     Sons are Born
Vs 1-2
A) Cain is born.
B) She gives credit to God.
C) Abel is born.
D) The brothers have different occupations.
 II. Offerings to God
Vs 3-5
A) Each brother gave an offering to God.
B) God had regard for Abel’s offering
C) God had no regard for Cain’s offering.
D) Cain became bitter.
 III. Bloodshed
Vs. 6-8
A) God asked Cain about his bitterness.
B) God warns Cain about the sin crouching at the door.
C) Cain continues to brood. I) Cain kills his brother.
 IV. Cain’s Consequences 
Vs. 9-18
A) God gives Cain a chance to confess.
B) God gives Cain a chance to repent.
C) Cain does neither.
D) Cain is driven from his home.
E) God does not allow anyone to kill Cain.
F) Children from Cain.
 V. The Sin Continues
Vs. 19-24
A) Evil continues through Cain’s family line.
 VI. Seth is Born
(A) Another son is born to Adam and Eve
(B) Men began to call upon the Name of the Lord.

Study Survey: The Spread of a Godless Society

When reading through chapter 4 of Genesis, even though other men are mentioned, it really is mainly about ONE MAN (Cain).

The two brothers had different occupations, which shows us that we each can have different occupations, yet still be contributable. One brother sought to honor God, the other rebelled against God.

 In the story of Cain and Abel the seed of the woman met the seed of the serpent (see Gen. 3:15). And even though God warned him, Cain fell prey to the evil crouching at his door, and eventually went out to form a godless society, rejecting God's way. 
 • Consider what it says in Jude 11 and “the way of Cain". 

Remember, that BOTH brothers brought an offering to God. However, Abel went out of his way to please God (which meant he had faith in God, Heb. 11:6), whereas Cain was simply discharging a duty. Abel's actions were righteous, whereas Cain's were evil (see 1 John 3:12). My friend, these two types of people are still present in today’s world. Cain's lack a true heartfelt offering shows up in his response to God's rejection of his offering of fruit (Gen. 4:5). Rather than being concerned about remedying the situation and pleasing God, he became very angry.

Cain was so angry he would not be talked out of his sin—even by God!  Consider how Eve had to be talked into her sin by Satan; but Cain "belonged to the evil one" (as it says in 1 John 3:12). It is as if he could not wait to destroy his brother—a natural man's solution to his own failure. And just as there was a progression into Eve’s sin, there was one in Cain’s also.

God's advice was that if Cain would please God by doing what is right, all would be well. But if not, sin was crouching at his door and ready to overcome him. Notice something, sin desired to have Cain, but Cain could have the mastery over it. Here is the perpetual struggle between good and evil. Anyone filled with envy and strife is prey for the evil one.

The text goes on to list Cain’s bloodline, and we come to a man named Lamech. Who would be the great-great-great grandson of Cain.  And what does it tell us about Lamech? That he had two wives, thus the culture of the ungodly in multiple wives began. He went on to tell them that he killed a man for wounding him. AND a boy for striking him. And he showed no remorse for either. Cain killed his own brother because of Abel’s righteousness, and he went out from the presence of the Lord. Therefore, his sons were probably not raised with a godly influence. Thus, the effects of Cain’s sin were passed down through his line.  Showing us that without Godly influences, and left to themselves, people tend to get worse instead of better.

In verse 25 of Gen. 4, the text comes back to Adam and Eve and tells us of their next son, Seth. Though they continued to have many sons and daughters after Seth… it is Seth who we will continue to see in the bloodlines of the coming generations.

Thoughts to consider: Seth had a son named Enosh, and then men began to call on the name of the Lord. This points even more to Cain’s line of descendants being away from God. So, although Adam and Eve had been put out of the garden of Eden, this show us that they never went away from the presence of the Lord. And evidently, they had raised Cain and Abel in His presence. Because Cain went out from it, and Seth apparently had the influence of God in his life since his sons called on the Lord’s name.

My friend, I hope this lesson has been insightful to you! I look forward to seeing you next time! Be blessed and may God’s Word grow you!


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