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May 30, 2018

Assignment #8 New Testament Study Lesson: Matt. 6:19-34

Other study lessons from Matthew

Jesus Continues with His Teaching
on the Mount (part 4)
Matt. 6:19-34

We are still on the Sermon on the Mount. So, read Matt. 6:19-34 and continue your outline the lessons (with any insight God gives you).

#4 (vs 19-24)    ____________________________________

#5 (vs 25-34) _____________________________________

So, now let’s look a little bit deeper into this section of Matt. 6.

Did you happen to notice a repeated command in these verses?

 I will give you a hint: “Do not” is used four times in these verses.

So, what did Jesus say not to do?

Why do you think He did (or what was the reason) in verses 19-24?

In verses 25-34 He said “Do not…” but what was the rest of the sentence that He stated THREE times?

Do a quick lookup of the following verses:
  • Genesis 1:31
  • Psalm 19:1
  • Psalm 29:3-9
  • Psalm 104:1-4 
  • Romans 1:20

So, who created nature? Of course, God did. And He is more than able to care for nature. We may take care of our yards but out in the middle of no-where, where there isn’t man to tend it, nature and all in it continues to be cared for by God. So, if God will go to such extremes to provide and care for nature, how much more do you think He will tend to us? After all, we are made in His image, He created us to have a relationship with us.
  • Now look up Rom. 12:2 and write it down in your notes.
  • Also look up Phil. 2:13 and add it to your notes.
  • And finally look up Eph. 2:10

Do you see a pattern in these verses?

God has “work” for us to do. He has created each of us for a purpose. So, if we are walking with Him and are seeking His will for our lives (and we are being obedient), then doesn’t it make sense that God is going to provide for us so that we can do His will?

This doesn’t mean we won’t have hardships. This doesn’t mean we are going to be filthy rich… but if we are truly seeking His will, and we are earnestly stepping out in faith, then His Word says He will provide. Keep in mind though that sometimes “our needs” are more of what we desire to have. And sometimes, what we need and what we desire are two totally different things.

Now look up Ps. 37:25 and write it out in your notes.

How does this comfort you? What are your thoughts now?

 These set of verses also talk about the eye and the body.

What we watch, or what we allow ourselves to “look upon” will fill our minds… once that happens, then we start thinking about it… and eventually it takes root inside of us. So Jesus is basically warning them not to fill their minds with garbage from what they are gazing upon.

What are your thoughts now on this?


That’s all for now. See you soon!

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